Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast
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Is This All There Is? (Young and Married Series)

August 17, 2021
00:00 30:31
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Is This All There Is? (Young and Married Series)


I don’t know about you, but I used to look at my marriage and wonder, “Is this all there is?” Is this the best it’s going to get? Disappointment can quickly settle in even to a new marriage and rob you of the love, joy, and wonder you felt on your wedding day. Newlyweds and long-term married couples, alike, often find themselves asking these same questions. The truth is you are the one who gets to determine the answer to that question.


In today’s episode, I share 7 relationship tips for you to begin to ask different questions about your marriage. Here are the tips:


Marriage Advice for Dealing with Disappointment


  1. Ask yourself why are you disappointed?
  2. Go beyond your feelings.
  3. Understand that in marriage, seasons come and seasons go.
  4. Let go of what was to make room for what is.
  5. Get real with yourself.
  6. Remember that it’s about growth over perfection.
  7. Be the person you’d love to live with.


I want to encourage you to take an active stance in the formation of your marriage. Far too many spouses are passive about their own progress. You’re in the driver seat. You get to have the marriage that you work for. So, what’s it going to be?


For more on disappointment, check out Episode 40: Dealing with Disappointments in Relationships.


Links Mentioned in this Episode




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Meet Your Host
Dana Che is the founder of Thrive Relationships, where she serves as a marriage and relationship coach and host of the Rebuilding Us marriage podcast. She also serves as a preaching pastor at her church. Whether in the church or on her podcast, Dana's mission is singular: to help people rebuild their relationships through the grace and guidance of the Lord.

On Rebuilding Us, she is known for her graceful candor, humor, and her encouraging yet challenging advice. Dana holds a B.A. in communication from Regent University. She has a fierce passion for fashion and a fiercer passion for truth. She shares her life with Shaun, her loving husband of over twenty-five years, their four amazing children, and their “multi-cultural” dog in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA.

Connect with Dana:
Instagram: @mrsdanache
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