What's wrong with the Church?

June 10, 2022
00:00 01:09:13
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What's wrong with the Church? - June 10, 2022

There are many problems and unbiblical expectations within the Church and its leadership. What do we do about it? What does the Bible say about some of these issues?

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Meet Your Hosts
Hey, I’m Zack! I’m a pastor at New Hope Church on the south side of Indianapolis, IN. I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a degree in Biblical Studies. I am currently engaged to my fiancé Abby, and depending on how often these bios get updated, I may be married by the time you’re reading this. I love apologetics, theology, and hearing about people coming to Christ. My goal as a Christian is to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ, to spread the Gospel, and to disciple others to do the same. In all reality, I could go into depth about who I am, but the best way to find that out is to tune into the podcast… like right now… :)
After 43 years of teaching the Bible and practical theology and church planting in Hispanic cultures, I have now been a pastor at New Hope Church since 2017. In that role, I hope to help others understand God’s Word in ways that will change their lives. My wife Linda and I have four adult children and eight grandchildren.
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