So Much More: Scripture Meditation (Lectio Divina)
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Are We Reading Revelation Wrong? | Scot McKnight

August 02, 2023
00:00 41:33
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It’s possible. According to Scot McKnight, Revelation’s main purpose isn’t speculation, it’s encouragement to follow Jesus as a dissident disciple.


Scot McKnight is a renowned speaker, writer, professor, and equipper of the church. Jodie and Scot dive into the topic of interpreting the book of Revelation and the influence of the speculative approach known as dispensationalism. 

McKnight shares his belief that Revelation was written to help readers become dissident disciples - followers who resist the influence of evil “Babylon” and instead live as hope-filled followers of Jesus. He unpacks the symbolic characters and drama in the book, pointing out that there are two teams, Team Dragon and Team Lamb. And gives the spoiler that Team Lamb wins, so choose wisely whose team you are on. (I bet you already knew how the story ended!)

The episode concludes with a hopeful exploration of Revelation's vision of a new heaven and earth, where God dwells with humanity and suffering is eliminated.

Timestamped highlights:

00:02:21 Confusion surrounds the Book of Revelation based on our future speculation.

00:06:40 What is dispensationalism?

00:09:08 How to read Revelation: wisdom, witnesses, worship against Babylon.

00:14:56 Characters in Revelation: Team Lamb vs. Team Dragon.

00:20:50 "Babylon: a timeless dragon of destruction and death"

00:27:06 Recognize Babylon to live as dissident disciples.

00:31:15 Finding hope in the future: New Jerusalem replaces Babylon; it is new but continuous.

00:37:21 Revelation's message: Encouragement, faith, and a victorious team.


Here’s how you can connect with Scot:

You can get the book here on Amazon, Christian Book

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Meet Your Host
Jodie Niznik is a seminary-trained lover of God’s Word who has served in vocational ministry for over twelve years. She helps people create space for God in their lives through her Scripture meditation podcast and equips them to take another step with Jesus through her Real People, Real Faith Bible studies and teaching. You can connect with her at
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