S2 Ep 7B | Interview with Rebecca Carrell on Genesis 45 and 46 (Joseph Series 7)

October 20, 2021
00:00 30:31
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Rebecca is a former radio host, and a current podcaster, seminary student and Bible teacher. Take a few minutes to experience a few verses from Genesis 45 and 46 as a Lectio Divina. Then tune into this interview to hear where God led Rebecca. You’ll quickly hear that Rebecca is a passionate and knowledgeable Bible teacher. She helps is see the strong Jesus themes in the story of Joseph. And then we get personal as we talk about transitions and how the Lord calls us to move into new seasons empty handed. She also has a great exhortation on why we need to spend our own time in God’s word – instead of just taking what others have learned from Scripture. (Listen closely and you’ll hear a lot of mm-hmms and amens in the background from me.) The exact verses read in this podcast are Genesis 45:25-46:5 in the NIV. You can find Rebecca https://www.rebeccacarrell.com/ and on Instagram @rebeccacarrell and Facebook @rebeccaashbrookcarrell You can also listen to her podcast “Honestly, Though” wherever you listen to podcasts. You can find Jodie at jodieniznik.com, on Instargram @creatingspaceforgod and on Facebook @JodieNiznik

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Jodie Niznik is a seminary-trained lover of God’s Word who has served in vocational ministry for over twelve years. She helps people create space for God in their lives through her Scripture meditation podcast and equips them to take another step with Jesus through her Real People, Real Faith Bible studies and teaching. You can connect with her at jodieniznik.com.
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