Avoiding the Comparison Trap in Your Career (Plus Missed Opportunities & Fingerless Gloves)
John comes in second place A LOT and tries his best to look menacing on his way to Walgreens. Meanwhile, Jonnie eats way too many caramels and learns that the most highly ranked restaurants are also selling car parts.
Plus, a conversation about the trap of comparison and how to enjoy the one life you've been given. We make a lot of resolutions this time of year, things we plan to do... but is there anything you ought to "undo" as the new year begins?
Today's episode is NOT sponsored by Hearing Tests: "Stop us if you've heard this one..."
FOLLOW Jonnie W.: https://jonniew.com
FOLLOW John Driver: https://johndriver.com
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Jonnie's special, Live At The Franklin Theatre, was featured on Amazon Prime Video, and his two Drybar comedy specials are viral hits, garnering millions of views, and landing him in their Top Ten most viewed for 2021. He has also been featured on the Grand Ole Opry's Circle Network and is heard daily on Sirius Satellite Radio. Jonnie lives with his wife Curry near Nashville, TN, because that’s where all their stuff is. https://linktr.ee/jonniew