Episode 5: When You Don't Feel Like Praying

August 17, 2020
00:00 10:44
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As much as we've learned about the numerous benefits of prayer so far in this podcast, you'd think it would always come easy. Sometimes we just don't feel like praying. Feelings should not be ignored. They are indicators as to what deeper may be going on within us that needs to be addressed. In today's podcast, we discuss some of the feelings that challenge our desire to pray so that we can find the faith to keep praying anyway.

Key Takeaways:
• In your feelings of grief and sadness, God is with you. He is not only with you; the Bible tells us He is close.
• Our struggle with doubt can often be rooted in our view of God and what we know about Him or what we don't know about Him.
• God is not mad at you; He is mad for you.
• When we feel guilty, the last thing we need to do is run from God, that is the time we need to run to God to receive the grace and forgiveness our souls desperately need.

Resources Mentions in This Podcast
Download Christina's Free 5 Day Prayer Guide at www.belovedwomen.org/prayer-guide to help you put into practice the powerful habit of prayer.

Connect with Christina Paterson
Website: www.belovedwomen.org
YouTube: www.youtube.com/BelovedWomenTV
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Scriptures in the Podcast are from NIV, ESV or NKJV

Episode Image Credit: Getty/Jorm Sangsorn

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Meet Your Host
Christina Patterson is a wife and stay-at-home mom with a passion to encourage women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word. When she is not folding laundry or playing blocks you will find her with her head deep in her Bible or a commentary. She holds her masters in Theology from Liberty University and is the founder of Beloved Women, a non-profit providing resources and community for women to truly know who they are in Christ: His Beloved. She blogs at belovedwomen.org.
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