Transform Your Prayer Life This Year with These 5 Simple Tips
In the Christian life, prayer is powerful. Through the power of prayer, lives are changed, bodies healed, and hearts transformed. The good thing about prayer is it doesn't have to be complicated. The five-minute prayer at the sink washing dishes can be just as effective as the hour prayer in your prayer closet. The effectiveness of your prayer does not have to do with rituals, long length, and big words. In today's podcast, we discuss five practical and simple ways that lead to more effective prayer.
Editor's Note: We're bringing some of our favorite episodes of Teach Us to Pray out of the archives for you to discover or rediscover again. This episode originally aired in August 2020.
Key Takeaways:
• Once we pray about it, we need to let the worry go, and trust that whatever we prayed about is safely in God's hands.
• Prayer schedules take the pressure off feeling like we need to spend 12 hours praying for everything at once by conveniently breaking up our prayer time.
• When we don't place limits on when we should pray, it becomes a natural rhythm in our lives, and we become less likely to skip this powerful discipline.
Resources Mentions in This Podcast
Download Christina's Free 5 Day Prayer Guide at to help you put into practice the powerful habit of prayer.
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Scriptures in the Podcast are from NIV, ESV or NKJV.
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