The Bible Study Podcast
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The Bible Study Podcast

Chris Christensen

Want to dive deeper into Scripture? Every Thursday, Chris Christensen investigates a passage of Scripture and helps us see how to apply it to our lives.

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#164 - Acts 28 - Paul Arrives in Rome
April 15, 2010 - 10 min
This is the final episode in a study on the book of Acts. Paul arrives in Rome where he is greeted by the church and continues to preach to the Jews there. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#163 - Acts 27 - Storm and Shipwreck
April 8, 2010 - 10 min
This is the episode is part 26 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul is headed to Rome as a prisoner but along the way their storm is caught by a storm and driven along until it sinks. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#162 - Acts 26 - Paul before King Agrippa
April 1, 2010 - 10 min
This is the episode is part 25 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul appears before governor Festus and King Agrippa to again make defense of his actions and of his faith. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#161 - Acts 24 & Acts 25 - Paul before Felix and Festus
March 25, 2010 - 12 min
This is the episode is part 24 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul appears before governor Felix and then because Felix does nothing for 2 years Paul appears his successor governor Festus. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#160 - Acts 23 - Paul addresses the Sanhedrin. Plots
March 18, 2010 - 11 min
This is the episode is part 23 in a study on the book of Acts.  Paul gets a chance to defend himself before the Sanhedrin which just leads to shouting and almost to bloodshed. The Jews plot to kill Paul but the plot is discovered and he is whisked away to the hands of the Roman Governor. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#159 - Acts 22 - Paul Speaks to the Crowd
March 11, 2010 - 10 min
This is the episode is part 22 in a study on the book of Acts. After the riot in Jerusalem where Paul is only saved from death by the intervention of the Romans, Paul gets  a chance to address the crowd and tell them his person story, his testimony. He tells them about how he persecuted Christians and how he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#158 - Acts 21 - Paul's Return and Arrest
March 4, 2010 - 9 min
This is the episode is part 21 in a study on the book of Acts. Paul is told over and over on his way to Jerusalem that he will have trouble there and will be arrested. When he gets to Jerusalem he has trouble there and gets arrested. He is beaten and would have been killed if the Romans did not intervene. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#157 - Acts 20 - Paul Says Goodbyes
February 25, 2010 - 13 min
This is the episode is part 20 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul spends the end of his 3rd missionary journey going back to the churches he has helped found to say goodbye. Paul is being told by the prophets that he faces prison and hardship as he heads back to Jerusalem. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#156 - Acts 19 - Paul in Ephesus
February 18, 2010 - 14 min
This is the episode is part 19 of a study of the book of Acts. In this chapter Paul travels to Ephesus where he stays for 2 years. He preaches and performs miracles there until all in the province have heard the word of the Lord. Paul is so successful that the craftsmen who make the small idols of Artemis (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) see their livelihood threatened and they riot. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
#155 - Acts 18 - Paul in Corinth, intoducing Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos
February 11, 2010 - 8 min
This is the episode is part 18 of a study of the book of Acts. Paul teaches in Corinth for some time as he is protected by God and by Rome. In Corinth he meets Priscilla and Aquila  and works with them. He then sails for home to check in with the church. Meanwhile Priscilla and Aquila  meet and teach Apollos which is a great teacher. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Chris Christensen is the creator of The Bible Study Podcast as well as the long-running travel podcast Amateur Traveler. He has been teaching bible studies since he was in high school. He is a lay leader and occasional preacher at Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino California.
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