The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton
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The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton

Zach Clinton
This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!
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Shrinking the Integrity Gap: Helping Leaders Live Out What They Preach with Founders of Living Wholehearted, Jeff & Terra Mattson, Ep. 181
July 9, 2024 - 52 min
There’s an old quote that still rings true today, “More than 70% of leaders do not finish well.” Unfortunately, we so often see those with big followings, platforms, and pedestals fall or stumble due to something being done in private. However, our guests today want to help each of us become the leader that we would want to follow - a leader that possesses a great work ethic, vulnerability, and integrity. Joining us today to help us learn how we can shrink the integrity gap within our own lives and become the leader who lives out what we preach are the married co-founders of Living Wholehearted, a professional counseling and organizational development firm, as well as the global Courageous Girls movement, a free online curriculum equipping moms for every stage of their daughter’s growing years. After two decades in leadership and trauma-informed therapy, they are bridging the gap between Biblical, clinical, and relational wisdom to help leaders live with integrity in the home, workplace, and community. Our prayer is that through this conversation you would be educated, equipped, empowered, and encouraged to not just lead, but to lead well. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Impossible Life: Developing Discipline, Honor, & Character to Step Into Your Purpose & Unlock Your Fullest Potential with Former U.S. Navy Seal, Motivational Speaker, and Podcast Host, Garrett Unclebach, Ep. 180
July 2, 2024 - 32 min
Happy 4th of July week everyone!!! You see, the Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later, on July the 4th, delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, where many like you and me will be celebrating with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades, and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues. However, as we gather with family and friends, we pray that you would reflect on the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought bravely for the liberties we enjoy today. Their courage and resilience laid the foundation for the America we know and cherish. Further, as we gratefully fly our American Flags this Independence day, we pray that our great nation would get back to the qualities on which it was always intended to stand upon: liberty, justice, freedom, love of country, national purpose, and one nation under God. Even though we may find ourselves in some unprecedented times, we serve a God, who goes where He is invited! Let us all pray that the heart of this nation would be restored back to him! Therefore, in honor of the 4th of July, we wanted to bring on a very special guest who has a real heart and appreciation for soldiers and veterans, those who unfortunately get so overlooked in our country today and who have brought the war home with them and suffer with the challenges of PTSD on a daily basis, a heart for this country, and a heart that is on fire for the Lord! Our special guest today is Garrett Unclebach - Garrett Unclebach was a U.S. Navy Seal who achieved much in his military career, but he says none of it “is him.” He is only measured by how he serves and loves God today. His message is simple and clear, to show others the path to greatness through a life not focused on themselves. We pray that this conversation built around the concepts of discipline, sacrifice, duty, valor, strength, integrity, and character would remind you just how blessed we truly are to live in the Land of the Free, because it’s the Home of the Brave! God bless you! God bless this land! And God bless the USA! Garrett’s Website: The Impossible Life Podcast: Garrett’s Mindset Mastery Program:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Planted, Not Buried: A Man’s Testimony of How His Setback Became His Setup with Renowned Motivational Speaker, Author, and Former Professional Baseball Player, Lance Thonvold, Ep. 179
June 25, 2024 - 43 min
As Mike Tyson would say, “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I think we can all agree that life sometimes delivers unexpected knockout blows that threaten to send us to the canvas of the ring we call life. Pain, challenge, adversity, and disappointment are all inevitable, but it’s not about what happens to us as much as it’s about how we respond to what happens to us. Will you give up or will you get up? Will you quit or will you keep pushing forward? Thankfully today, we have a very special guest who is no stranger to setbacks in this life. Our guest today, Lance Thonvold, was a superstar NCAA Division 1 pitcher at the University of Minnesota before becoming an MLB Draft Pick by the Seattle Mariners. However, after a professional career riddled with injuries, Lance was forced to retire from the game he loved at the age of 25. Unsure of what to do next, Lance remembers the Lord imprinting a unique perspective on his life, that even when the storms of life come our way, we must remember that we are being planted, not buried. In spite of his pain, Lance has become an impactful author and one of the leading and resounding leaders in motivational and inspirational speaking. Our prayer is that today would shift your perspective, ignite your perseverance, and remind you of the incredible purpose God has called you to! Keep on, keeping on!Lance’s website: Purchase Lance’s Book - Planted, Not Buried:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Power of a Quiet Life: The Development of Godly Character Through Leadership, Mentorship, & Discipleship with Top Motivational and Leadership Speaker, Pastor, & Coach, Benjamin Lundquist, Ep. 178
June 18, 2024 - 59 min
Leadership is one of the most talked about concepts in all of society. Yet, so many continue to have a misunderstanding on what true leadership is. Joining us today to not only discuss leadership, but also the importance of mentorship and discipleship is a man who needs no introduction, Benjamin Lundquist. Benjamin is a top motivational and leadership speaker, pastor, coach, and one the leading voices for leadership development and empowerment for today’s generation. He is passionate about helping students and professionals see their worth and value, crush their limiting beliefs, and lead with excellence. The message he shares is highly motivating, relatable, and equips student and professional audiences with tools that work. He hosts the Rise and Lead Podcast which ranks in the top 1% and has been downloaded in over 130+ countries around the world. He frequently works with corporate and faith organizations, universities, and high schools. As his message spreads around the world, Benjamin continues to drive positive change and is making an undeniable impact as an inspirational force and role model for anyone seeking to find their greatness and unlock their superpower. We pay that this conversational would be impactful and transformational for you and those you love for the journey ahead.  Benjamin’s Website: Rise & Lead Podcast:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Men Matter: Understanding Biblical Masculinity & the Significance of Having a Band of Brothers with President & Founder of Men’s Alliance, David Mills, Ep. 177
June 11, 2024 - 57 min
There’s no question that there has been a real beat down on men in our culture and society today. There’s been a radical push to silence men as many have pushed this toxic masculinity narrative stating that men are just buffoons, horrible husbands, terrible fathers, porn addicts, abusers, and more. Now something we do agree with is that there is such a thing as toxic behavior, but my friends, there is nothing toxic about being a man. However, so many struggle in silence with their shame, addictions, mental health concerns and more as our culture and society has made us believe that brokenness is equivalent to embarrassment. Today though as we approach Father’s Day and are in the middle of the month of June which is recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to take some time to remind men and dads how much they matter and that they cannot heal in hiding! Joining us today for an impactful discussion is the President and Founder of an incredible men’s ministry called Men’s Alliance, David Mills. David spent the majority of his career in the Air Force flying squadrons which taught him how tribes are formed, how they operate, and how they save lives. He’s seen how isolated men are and how badly they need a tribe, so he decided to create Men’s Alliance to fix that problem and help men become the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God has designed us to be. Through weekly 30-minute rugged, outdoor workouts and a 30-minute real-world devotion around a fire, David and Men’s Alliance are committed to getting men to close their laptops, get outside, and push themselves physically and spiritually! Real men make a difference - within their homes, marriages, families, workplaces, communities, and more, and today, we pray that this conversation would help you make the decision to stop going at this life alone and to find and plug into your tribe from here on out!  Men’s Alliance: Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Suffering in Silence: Understanding the Pressures & Stressors Fueling the Suicide Epidemic in our Country with Renowned Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Advocate & Speaker, Emma Benoit, Ep. 176
June 4, 2024 - 46 min
There’s no question that suicide has become an epidemic in our country and world today. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among people aged 15–24 in the U.S., and according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 20% of high school students report serious thoughts of suicide with 9% having made an attempt to end their lives. Beyond that, there’s a significant concern for our girls and our daughters as the CDC recently reported that 57% of our girls reported signs of persistent sadness and depression, with 30% of our girls reporting seriously considering and contemplating suicide. This is alarming and is a fight that we must all stand up and fight against through creating environments of safety and vulnerability for people so they understand they do not have to suffer in silence. Thankfully today, we have a very special guest who has a personal testimony around the topic of suicide as she is a suicide attempt survivor and now renowned mental health and suicide prevention advocate, Emma Benoit. In this conversation Emma helps expose many of the pressures and stressors facing today’s generations, but she also provides us with hope, encouragement, and strategies that we can begin implementing within our homes, friendships, and workplaces to work against the suicide epidemic. One thing we know is that just because someone carries it well does not mean that it’s not heavy. Together, we can remind people that they were made for so much more! Emma’s Website: Documentary:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Walking THROUGH the Valley: Clinging to Hope & Healing in the Midst of Suffering with New York Time’s Best-Selling Author, Speaker, & Podcaster, Erin Kelly Bean, Ep. 175
May 28, 2024 - 48 min
No one is a stranger to pain or adversity in this life. Challenges, hardships, and suffering are inevitable. Yet, the question remains, how we do navigate seasons of suffering and how do we cling to hope when life doesn’t make sense in the midst of our deepest and darkest valleys. Joining us today to help equip, encourage, and empower those of us in our valley seasons is a dear friend, Erin Kelly Bean. Although she has experienced countless mountain top moments such as the joy of marriage, being a part of an incredible God-centered family, as well as being the daughter of an NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback, Erin is no stranger to the valley as she has endured some difficult seasons throughout her life such as battling anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, the loss of her younger brother at a very young age, trauma, and so much more. In today’s episode Erin reminds us of David’s prayer in Psalm 23, “Ye, though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are WITH me.” Our prayer is that this conversation would remind you that healing is found in the valley and that in the pit you would realize that Jesus is the point! Find out more about the Hunter’s Hope Foundation: Follow Erin on Social Media: Listen to the Light Your Heart with Hope Podcast: Purchase Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith -  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Becoming Attuned to Your Kids: Learning How to Counteract Their Despair and Anxiety Through Showing Up, Seeing, Listening, and Speaking Life with Speaker, Therapist, & Best-Selling Author, Dr. Chinwé Williams, Ep. 174
May 21, 2024 - 52 min
In a day and age where our kids and next generation are under attack with countless pressures and stressors of all different kinds contributing to an influx in mental health challenges, it is imperative that parents continue to get educated, equipped, and encouraged to help them counteract those things and to stay ahead of this cultural fight. Thankfully today we have an expert in the field of counseling and attachment joining us for an enlightening and empowering conversation on how parents can more effectively and efficiently attune themselves to their children. Joining us today is a trauma therapist, best-selling author, speaker, and an expert at simplifying the complexities of our human experience, Dr. Chinwé Williams. In today’s conversation, Dr. Chinwé seeks to help educate us on the importance of Showing Up, Seeing, Listening to, and Speaking Life into our kids. You may think these things sounds incredibly simple, but my friends, they have the potential to save, repair, and strengthen your relationship with your kids as well as possibly change your child’s life.  Dr. Chinwé’s website - Purchase Dr. Chinwé’s book titled, Seen: Healing Despair & Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection -  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Relaxed: Walking With & Trusting God in the Midst of Your Grief, Shame, & Anxiety with Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Teaching Pastor, Megan Fate Marshman, Ep. 173
May 14, 2024 - 52 min
When the pains and challenges of life come crashing in, it can be hard to truly trust God and cling to His promises in the midst of life’s processes. However, I’m reminded that God often loves using our moments of powerlessness to draw us closer to and to reveal the character of His heart. Today, we are joined by a very special guest who is no stranger to adversity in this life, but someone who has chosen a unique perspective in the midst of her pain. Joining us today is disciple, mom, hope sharer, joy spreader, and proclaimer of Christ, Megan Fate Marshman. Megan is authentic, compelling, selfless, and determined to use her life to spread hope, share truth, and celebrate others. She also happens to be the Best-selling author of several books including the Beautiful Word Bible study: John, Meant for Good, SelfLess, and what I believe is a for sure soon to be Best-Seller and the topic of our conversation today, her upcoming release titled, Relaxed: Walking With the One Who is Not Worried About a Thing. My friends, our prayer through this conversation is that no matter what season of life you may find yourself in, that you would realize that relaxed should never be goal, but instead can be a wonderful byproduct from spending time in His presence! Preorder Relaxed Today: Megan’s Website:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease: Learning how Humility & Prayer can Counteract Worry & Anxiety with Founder of PassagesTV and Young Adult Life Group Leader at Thomas Road Baptist Church, David Todd Jeremiah, Ep. 172
May 7, 2024 - 50 min
So many of us get so caught trying to be “somebody” that we forget to what it means to be the man/woman called has called us to be. When we neglect or misprioritize our true role in this life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressure, comparison, and stress which can quickly take the root of intense worry and anxiety. However, there are some solutions to help us reprioritize our lives and to remind us that we should not seek for our name to be known, but instead to promote the Name of the Lord who is the Only One worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Joining us today for a very impactful discussion is a dear friend who also happens to be the Founder of a video series for young adults that is both entertaining and enlightening titled, PassagesTV, as well as the Young Adult Life Group Leader at Thomas Road Baptist Church, David Todd Jeremiah. In today’s episode David Todd wants to simply encourage your worried or anxious heart and remind you of the power of prayer and humility. John 3:30 says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” My friend, when we cast all of our worries, cares, and anxieties onto the Lord and trust the character of His heart, it might just make all the difference. Link to PassagesTV: Link to David Todd’s Social Media page:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Zach Clinton earned his master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling and currently serves as the Vice President of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He co-hosts with his dad, Dr. Tim Clinton, the daily national radio program, Life, Love Faith, and Family. He also hosts the Built Different podcast and is president & host of Ignite Men's Impact Weekend, an annual 2-day conference that gathers almost 10,000 men for fellowship, encouragement, instruction, and praise.

A Licensed Resident Counselor and former Division 1 college baseball player, Zach is a recognized growing authority and voice on performance, motivational psychology, and mental health for today’s generations. His mission is to remind people that they are never out of the fight! Zach is the proud husband to his lovely wife, Evelyn, and they make their home in Lynchburg, VA.

You can find more from Zach at
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