The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton
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The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton

Zach Clinton
This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more... Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more... Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!
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Grief, Loss, & Identity: Finding Your Purpose When Life Doesn’t Make Sense with Author & Nationally Recognized Inspirational Speaker, Dustin Rivenbark, Ep. 171
April 30, 2024 - 45 min
Grief is messy. So many have described the grieving process as steps that we go through, but in reality, grief takes time and a lot of work in order to navigate and maneuver one’s way through. However, one can experience simultaneous emotions such as gratitude in the midst of one’s grief. Today, we have a very special guest who can speak to the depth of pain and suffering following loss. Seldom in life do you get the chance to meet someone who has a powerful story of overcoming fear, adversity, and tragedy. Even less frequent do you meet someone who can deliver that message with life changing impact. Our guest today, Dustin Rivenbark, is a determined inspirational speaker who is taking his passion for motivating the leaders of today, using stories of inspiration and unwavering faith. Dustin is a keynote speaker for the National Beta Association in which he speaks to thousands of teenagers and future leaders of America on the topic of "Leadership" each year. He speaks to educators and students across the country and has been a part of National Conferences put on by Georgia Southern University as well as Clemson University. Dustin is determined to make a difference in this world, leading community outreach, working in schools and detention centers across the country and has even been recruited to lead his "Path2Purpose" program at Rikers Island prison in New York City. He will stop at nothing to leave "no stone unturned" in lighting a fire within the hearts of men and creating change on this planet. We pray that this conversation would remind you of three things: God loves you, He is for you, and His consistency never fails!  Find out more about Dustin: Follow Dustin on Social Media:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Hard-Wired for Connection: Helping Today’s Generations Connect with God and One Another with Thomas Road Young Adult Pastor, Steven Thomas, Ep. 170
April 23, 2024 - 58 min
There’s no question that our next generation are facing unique challenges in modern day culture and society today. As it relates to our young adults, a plethora of research has revealed that one of the biggest challenges they face on a daily basis is loneliness. As we always like to remind people of here on the podcast is that loneliness is unfortunately the invisible illness of our day and age and it’s the undiagnosed illnesses that are always the most dangerous and deadly. That being said, we have to help educate, equip, and empower our next generation as to how they can find their hope, purpose, and identity rooted and anchored in Christ while also leaning into the gift of community. Joining us today to do just that is a dear friend and the Young Adult Pastor at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, Steven Thomas. Steven has been entrusted with a powerful voice to invest and speak into the lives of countless young adults over the years. He is a man who truly encompasses what it means to love God and love people! We pray that this conversation would be life-giving in reminding you that we together we can impact and influence this next generation!Hear More about Steven’s testimony: Learn More about TRYA: TRBC’s Youtube channel:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Mindset Matters: Rewiring Your Relationship with Suffering with Founder and CEO of Ambition In Mind, Doug Elks, Ep. 169
April 16, 2024 - 46 min
Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody’s got a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” Let’s be honest, oftentimes life can send some unexpected blows that closely resemble a knockout punch. Things such as the diagnosis of a debilitating disease or health challenge, a crumbling marriage, loss of a job, a prodigal son or daughter, death of a loved one, financial woes, a deferred dream, and so much more can be flat out painful. Things don’t always go our way or the way we wanted or expected them to. Sometimes hard times just keep stacking up on top of each other, and sometimes life just isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. However, I’m reminded of the words of James 1:2-4 which say, “Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Today, we’re going to be joined by a man who is no stranger to pain and adversity in this life, but a man who has made it his mission to help others rewire and restructure their perspective of and relationship with suffering. Joining us today is the Founder and CEO of Ambition in Mind, host of the AIM Podcast, ultrarunner, and Super-Athlete, Doug Elks. Today, Doug takes the time to share his unique mindset and perspective with you as to why he views suffering as a privilege and a unique opportunity to grow into the man or woman God has destined for you to become. Remember, no matter what you’re going through - don’t just choose to go through it. Choose to GROW through it! Link to Doug’s Social Media: to the AIM Podcast’s Youtube Channel: Link to the AIM Podcast Instagram Page: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
I’m Not Who I Was: A Man’s Journey from Porn Star to Preacher with author, speaker, and hope dealer, Joshua Broome, Ep. 168
April 9, 2024 - 51 min
We all have a choice in life: to see through the lies or to believe them. And one of the greatest lies so many tend to believe is that their past disqualifies or defines them. So many find themselves stuck in the bondage and grip of shame, guilt, and condemnation attached to past decisions or mistakes. However, 1 Corinthians 6:11 reminds us, “and that is what some of you were. - But you’ve been washed, you’ve been sanctified, you’ve been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” In other words my friends, we all have a common past - we come from a heritage of darkness - but because of the goodness and grace of God we can be brought from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Joining us today is Joshua Broome, a former adult film star who embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, Joshua found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, he discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world. With a BS in Christian Ministries, Joshua and his wife, Hope, have been married for seven years, raising their four sons in Dallas, Texas. Our prayer is that through today’s conversation you would remember this truth - no matter what you have done or what has happened to you, the love of Jesus Christ stands ready to change your future. Purchase Joshua’s Book today: Find out more about Joshua Broome:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Stay Here: Uncovering God's Plan to Restore Your Mental Health with author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of the mental health organization Stay Here, Jacob Coyne, Ep. 167
April 2, 2024 - 38 min
Every forty seconds, someone takes his or her own life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs--and they're stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses. But that’s why our guest joining us today wants you to hear these words -  Please stay. The world is so much better with you in it. With tender passion and bold hope, our guest today - author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of a mental health organization called Stay Here - Jacob Coyne, wants to use this conversation to infuse life into the dark corners of mental health. Giving hurting souls a reason to live, he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone--regardless of their past or pain--can find healing, including how to attack our anxiety and calm our storms; defeat depression and live with a sound mind; overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life; and transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose. Remember, it's okay to not be okay--but you don't have to stay that way. It's time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness His love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.Stay Here’s website: Buy Jacob’s book titled Stay Here:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
If the Tomb is Empty, Anything is Possible with founding and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22, Joby Martin, Ep. 166
March 26, 2024 - 32 min
As we navigate our way through Holy Week and approach the observance and celebration of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, we wanted to share a powerful conversation that we believe could be transformational in your life. Our guest today puts it best by stating, “The Son of God was crucified, died, and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days—until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters. Why? Because if the tomb is empty, anything is possible.” Joining us today to help us reflect on and observe these life changing events is the founding and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22, Joby Martin. In today’s conversation we will be simultaneously unpacking Joby’s 2 books, “If the Tomb is Empty” and “Anything is Possible.” Our prayer through this conversation is that your heart would be open and receptive to the message that God has prepared for you today, and that you would be challenged to answer this question: Who is Jesus to you? Because we believe this, your answer to that question has the power to change everything! My friends, He is Risen, He is Risen indeed!  Joby’s website: The Church of Eleven22’s website: “If the Tomb is Empty” Book: “Anything is Possible” Book:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Future of Soul Care: How Technology & A.I. are Being Used to Strengthen the Church with Chief Solutions Officer at Gloo and a Pioneering Leader in Church Technology, Brad Hill, Ep. 165
March 19, 2024 - 35 min
People are searching for help, hope, and encouragement now more than ever. With the influx of mental health issues riddling our country today, people are struggling to find solutions to their problems. And think about it, where do most people go when they have questions and seek a quick answer in today’s culture and society? You guessed it - ‘Dr. Google.’ However, one thing we know is that those answers may not always be accurate or the most faith focused, which leads to so many people within the church forming negative views of things such as technology and artificial intelligence. But that sparks the question and frames our conversation today: Can technology and artificial intelligence be used in a way that helps strengthen and develop the church rather than tearing it apart? And what is the Church doing to address the challenges facing today’s generations? Thankfully, our guest today, Brad Hill, is a man who has been deeply involved in solving technology challenges for the church for over 20 years. Brad serves on the executive team at Gloo, which is known for being the trusted platform that releases the collective might for the church, and he is responsible for marketing, sales, success, and all facets of growing and serving Gloo’s network of churches, networks, and faith partners. Prior to Gloo, our guest co-founded Ministry Brands, which is the world's largest church/ministry technology company. As President, he completed over 40+ roll-up acquisitions and led the company to win Private Equity deal of the year for 2017. In addition to his experience starting, building, and coaching companies for Kingdom and business impact, Brad has also served in lay leadership at several churches across multiple denominations, and he currently lives in the Denver, CO area with his wife and two kids. Our prayer throughout today’s podcast is two-fold: (1) if you are a person who is exploring online for help, you are not alone. There are people doing everything in their power to provide you with best resources possible to navigate in these challenging, often overwhelming times. (2) To affirm those who are skeptical of technology and A.I. to understand that although many use those things to do a world of bad, there are some people today using tech to do a world of good! Pray that God would continue to lead the way and guide their skill sets to do His work so that His will would be done.Find out more about Gloo: Mental Health Coach Training Program:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Dad’s Matter: Learning How to Build & Carry On a Legacy of Faith with Vice President of Daystar Television Network and Renowned Talk-Show Host, Jonathan Lamb, Ep. 164
March 12, 2024 - 30 min
Research is clear - Dads matter! And whether young or old, male or female, we all consider his presence one of the most important factors/elements in our lives both for good or bad. The word that comes to mind is LEGACY - And in today’s conversation, we’re going to be unpacking why DADs matter and really learn about how we can build and carry on a legacy of faith throughout our own lives. Our special guest joining us today is a man who knows the impact of a godly dad - and a man who is carrying that godly legacy on as he now serves and leads his own children and family - Our guest is the Executive Director of Operations at Daystar Television Network and Renowned Talk-Show Host of “The Green Room with Jonathan and Suzy” as he and his bride are seen on Daystar by millions world wide. Joining us today is special guest, Jonathan Lamb! You see, “Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be Dad.” So our prayer for you after listening to this conversation is that you would become a dad who takes the time to invest in his children, who isn’t afraid of showing and displaying his love, who listens, who shows up, and who is consistently present, available, and prioritizes time with his family! Be the dad that you were called to be.Find out more about DayStar and Jonathan Lamb here: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Suffering Well: Finding Hope in the Midst of the Deepest & Darkest Moments of Life with Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Curt Thompson, Ep. 163
March 5, 2024 - 38 min
We all know that storms, challenges, and adversities are a part of this life which then sparks the question, in the face of personal and global suffering, is it possible to live with hope rather than despair? Joining us today to help us answer that question is a dear friend of ours here at the AACC - Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Curt Thompson. In and throughout today’s conversation we will be unpacking Dr. Curt’s newest book, “The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope.” As we explore the Apostle Paul's experience of love, secure attachment, and the deeply felt sense of God's abiding presence carrying him through the challenges he faced—we pray that you too would recognize that God can transform your grief into a lasting peace that surpasses all understanding and how that reality can help us not just survive, but flourish and find security in the presence of our suffering.Dr. Curt’s website: Dr. Curt’s newest book, The Deepest Place:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Zach Clinton earned his master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling and currently serves as the Vice President of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He co-hosts with his dad, Dr. Tim Clinton, the daily national radio program, Life, Love Faith, and Family. He also hosts the Built Different podcast and is president & host of Ignite Men's Impact Weekend, an annual 2-day conference that gathers almost 10,000 men for fellowship, encouragement, instruction, and praise.

A Licensed Resident Counselor and former Division 1 college baseball player, Zach is a recognized growing authority and voice on performance, motivational psychology, and mental health for today’s generations. His mission is to remind people that they are never out of the fight! Zach is the proud husband to his lovely wife, Evelyn, and they make their home in Lynchburg, VA.

You can find more from Zach at
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