The Love Offering
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The Love Offering

Rachael Adams
Loving Fully and Living Faithfully
Real stories of women who are living out their faith in love to God, others, and even to themselves. Tune in to discover how you too can be a love offering to those around you and learn to believe that what you offer matters.
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A Little Grace Goes a Long Way with Rachael Gilbert
April 11, 2023 - 38 min
Are you tired of being at war with your body—and with your thoughts about your body? It’s time to extend yourself, and others, some grace!Rachael Gilbert struggled with shame when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image. Then, as a fitness instructor and licensed counselor specializing in disordered eating, she realized how many of us bury the same painful insecurities. But keeping up appearances is exhausting. We need restoration from the inside out. In this episode, Rachael offers invites you to see your whole self in a new way as you learn: A biblical perspective on eating, weight loss, fitness, and self-confidence rooted in God’s love.Counselor-inspired strategies to help you appreciate how God made you.How to reframe stories that formed your attitude toward your body.Tools for overcoming comparison and trauma.Ways to use thoughts and feelings so they help you rather than sabotage you. Join us to gain spiritual and therapeutic insights, as we chat about Rachael’s book, Image RESTored, to experience healing and wellness that starts with knowing God’s love for you—mind, soul, body, and spirit.Connect with the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Hospitality Goes a Long Way with Amy Hannon
April 4, 2023 - 48 min
Now more than ever, the world is hungry to gather and thirsty for connection.Many of us wish to share a meal, share our faith, and share our lives with others. We want to open our home to friends and neighbors for the sake of meaningful community, but we’re overwhelmed with hospitality hang-ups. How do I extend an invitation? What will they think of my house or the food? Our welcome has been influenced by the messages of the world that tell us hospitality is about our ability to be, host, live, and cook a certain way.In today’s episode, Amy Hannon shares insights through her book Gather & Give to inspire you to embrace the simple hospitality of the Bible that values connection more than perfection and people more than presentation. Amy shares scriptural principles and practical ideas to make everyday hospitality a natural, joy-filled part of your life. Join us to discover that the hospitality of the Bible is uncomplicated and effortless, that a welcome can be used by God to share His love and hope with the world, and that there is abounding joy in following the Lord in His hospitality command. Whether preparing shrimp and grits for a crowd or picking up barbecue with new neighbors, you can invite with intention, plate with purpose, and love others well. Connect with Amy: the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Money Goes a Long Way with Rachel Cruze
March 28, 2023 - 26 min
A little money can go a long way to create beautiful memories. While big vacations and expensive purchases can be nice, so can things from the dollar store. When we use a little creativity and give gifts from our hearts, even items that are free can have a big impact.​This principle is beautifully displayed in the life of a poor widow who gave all she had in the Gospels of Mark and Luke. While her donation was meager in comparison to those of the other givers that day, Jesus drew the disciples’ attention to her offering in particular. I love that Jesus valued her humble gift. From our earthly perspective, we question how in the world her minuscule donation could make any difference, but to Jesus, it made all the difference in the world. Jesus used the little money she had to teach a lesson about the heart of giving and show that any amount spent from the heart can yield an eternal dividend. Rachel Cruze from Ramsey Solutions is on the show today chatting about how a little money can go a long way through her books Know Yourself, Know Your Money: Discover WHY you handle money the way you do, and WHAT to do about it and Love Your Life Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want. Join us to learn tips to give generously and steward your money well to create a life you love.Connect with Rachel:rachelcruze.comThe Rachel Cruze ShowSmart Money Happy Hour PodcastEpisode Sponsor: Crowned FreeCrowned Free is a fashion and gifts brand that’s on a mission to end the injustice of human trafficking. They give back a portion of all profits to organizations both in the United States and internationally that work to restore, rescue, and rehabilitate survivors.Crowned Free also creates sustainable jobs for girls who have been rescued from human trafficking to make over half of their products. This opportunity equips survivors with vocational skills that they can use to provide for themselves and their families.This month, spend $75 and receive this month’s ethically made, survivor made item at a 50% discount.To learn more, get involved or to start shopping, visit the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Humility Goes a Long Way with Chelsey DeMattais
March 21, 2023 - 41 min
When we truly understand who Christ is, our self-importance melts away. This is true humility, the basis for greatness in any work we do for the Lord. But how do we live a life more focused on Christ in a me-centered world? Chelsey DeMatteis is on the show sharing about her book More of Him, Less of Me. In today’s episode, Chelsey points us to the cross and away from the trap of our self-centered culture. Join us to encounter a shift in the way you see the world and how God sees you. Your lens will go from a "me" perspective to a Kingdom perspective. Your heart will be shaped by the truth from God's word and the overflow will cause others to lean in, listen, and desire a life of more Jesus!Connect with Chelsey:Living with Less podcast ChelseyDeMatteis.comEpisode Sponsor: Crowned FreeCrowned Free is a fashion and gifts brand that’s on a mission to end the injustice of human trafficking. They give back a portion of all profits to organizations both in the United States and internationally that work to restore, rescue, and rehabilitate survivors.Crowned Free also creates sustainable jobs for girls who have been rescued from human trafficking to make over half of their products. This opportunity equips survivors with vocational skills that they can use to provide for themselves and their families.This month, spend $75 and receive this month’s ethically made, survivor made item at a 50% discount.To learn more, get involved or to start shopping, visit: the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Effort Goes a Long Way with Rebecca George
March 14, 2023 - 39 min
It means so much when people make an effort for us, doesn’t it? God appreciates our effort too. As unfathomable as it seems, God chooses to use us to fulfill his purposes on earth. He could easily do it all on his own, and there is no doubt he is in control, but he often requires our participation before he acts. Throughout Scripture, we see that he works through those willing to make an effort for him. The same is true today. Rebecca George is on the show today chatting about her book, Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl. Join us as we talk about how to:See your gifts and talents from a gospel-centered perspective.Prioritize goals related to your calling as you move forward with gumption and grace.Overcome negative thought patterns to work and create with the confidence of a go-getter girl!Today is the day to take a brave step in a purposeful direction, using God’s Word as your compass to do the thing He has designed for you to do. A little effort goes a long way.Connect with’s episode is sponsored by Crowned Free. To learn more, get involved or to start shopping, visit: the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Conversation Goes a Long Way with Shannan Martin
March 7, 2023 - 33 min
You want more. You want to belong to a community that looks out for each other. You believe in your bones we don't have to live detached, distracted, and divided. The question is, how? Shannan Martin is on the show inviting us into deeper connection through simple resets. Through her book, Start with Hello, and today’s conversation we hope you’ll realize a life of security, camaraderie, and joy. There is no step too small.Connect with Shannan:https://www.shannanmartin.comToday's sponsor: the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Faith Goes a Long Way with Kelly Minter
February 28, 2023 - 32 min
Hebrews 11 is often called the Faith Hall of Fame because it celebrates the lives of those who were commended for their faith. They were commended for their faith in action. Yes, we are saved by faith alone, but I’m convinced that if we settle for mere acknowledgment of God’s existence, we are living an incomplete faith. Our faith grows and is made complete by what we do. Thankfully, even though faith is made complete by our actions, ultimately, it isn’t about us—it is about God. We can be certain God is who he says he is, and will do what He says He will do. Kelly Minter is on the show sharing about how a little faith goes a long way based on her book The Blessed Life. Join us as we chat about the mind, heart, and work of Jesus, so we might know Him more deeply and reflect Him more fully. May we too experience the blessed life now and in eternity. What will you do by faith today? Connect with Kelly:Kelly_MinterCultivate podcastTheblessesdlifebook.comKellyMinter.comSupport the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Prayer Goes a Long Way with Niki Hardy
February 21, 2023 - 23 min
As unfathomable as it may seem, God allows our prayers to impact the world. We see the significance of prayers offered on behalf of others over and over again in the Bible. Even, Jesus modeled the importance of praying for others when he interceded for his disciples, for children, and for us as future believers (John 17). In fact, Jesus is still interceding for us at the right hand of God, advocating on our behalf (Romans 8:34). If we know God’s power is infinitely greater than ours, it only makes sense to rely on it, right? So, whether in public or in private, with many words or with few, with eyes closed or with eyes wide open, at morning or at night, we simply must talk to God and leave the results up to him.​​Niki Hardy is on the show today sharing her cancer story and the value of prayer to help women cope with the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Join us to experience God’s peace and provision through a little prayer.Connect with the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Touch Goes a Long Way with Leighann McCoy
February 14, 2023 - 41 min
There is just something comforting about the touch of a loved one, isn’t there? An encouraging pat on the back, a reassuring squeeze of the hand, a playful rustle of the hair, a quick kiss on the forehead, or a lingering embrace—these kinds of touches can strengthen our connection, soothe our emotions, and communicate understanding without a word. From the moment we are born to the final days of our lives, touch is an integral part of the human experience, impacting our physical, mental, and emotional health. ​In today’s episode, Leighann McCoy is joining us to talk about her book Women Touched by Jesus and how He understood the power of touch. Jesus held children, washed feet, and healed the sick through physical touch. Just as He was moved by compassion, compassion can move us to reach out to others too. Your simple, wordless gestures could be exactly what is needed to strengthen a connection, soothe an emotion, communicate without a word, or heal a hurting heart. Does someone need a touch from you today?Support the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Little Time Goes a Long Way with Kerry and Chris Shook
February 7, 2023 - 51 min
The apostle James says, “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14b). Psalm 90 shares something similar when the psalmist reminds us a thousand years are like a day to the Lord. Realizing our days are numbered helps us to steward the little time we have wisely and for eternal good. If we have something important we want to do, we must not put it off for a better day. Because life is short, we shouldn’t neglect what is truly important. Time is but a vapor and we can’t get it back. On today’s episode, Kerry Shook and his wife, Chris Shook, chat about their books One Month to Live and The Gift of One Day. Join us to find out how to make every day and every moment matter!Connect with Kerry and Chris: https://www.kerryshook.orgSupport the Show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Author of A Little Goes a Long Way and Everyday Prayers for Love, Rachael Adams, hopes to help women realize God’s love and purpose for their lives. She and her husband, Bryan, live in Kentucky with their two children, Will and Kate. Her work has been featured on Good Morning America, Crosswalk, Proverbs 31, Today Parenting, and YouVersion. Connect with her by visiting, searching @rachaeladamsauthor on Instagram and Facebook, and tuning in to The Love Offering Podcast every Tuesday on your favorite listening platform.
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