Thinking Christian: Clear Theology for a Confusing World
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Thinking Christian: Clear Theology for a Confusing World

James Spencer

Christians shouldn’t just think. They should think Christian. Join Dr. James Spencer and guests for calm, thoughtful, theological discussions about a variety of topics Christians face every day. The Thinking Christian Podcast will help you grow spiritually and learn theology as you seek to be faithful in a world that is becoming increasingly proficient at telling stories that deny Christ.

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Did the Biblical Flood Really Happen? An Interview with Dan Biddle, Executive Producer of The Ark and the Darkness
April 3, 2024 - 36 min
In this episode, James speaks with Dan Biddle, executive producer of The Ark and the Darkness. In addition to discussing the new film, James and Dan consider some of the evidence presented in the film and the plausibility of the biblical account of the worldwide flood. For more on The Ark and the Darkness click here. You can also find out more about Dan's minisry at Genesis Apologetics. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How Should Christians Respond When Slighted or Gaslighted? A Reflection on Easter and the Transgender Day of Visibility
April 2, 2024 - 38 min
In this episode, James discusses the convergence of Easter and the Transgender Day of Visibility that occured this March 31st. After clearing some ground about the Bible's teachings about our misdirected desires and actions, as well as what it means to be made in the image of God, James discusses the political messaging that can be a distraction to the Church (both on Easter and beyond).  To read James' opinion piece published by Fox News, click here.  For more of James' thinking on the Church and politics, purchase his new book Serpents and Doves: Christians, Politics, and the Art of Bearing Witness at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Chris Worthington- Multiplied Movie
April 1, 2024 - 49 min
In this episode, James sits down with Chris Worthington.  He is the director of the movie "Multiplied" coming to theaters for two days only.  May 20th and 21st.  In this movie Chris sets out to document what the future of evangelism looks like.  Hear a behind the scenes look at the movie from the director!  Purchase tickets at Follow Multiplied on Instagram at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Thinking Christian about God and Evil
March 22, 2024 - 26 min
In this episode, James offers a brief discussion of God and evil. He provides a description of evil as disorder based on Genesis 1-3, as well as considering the role of suffering in the Christian life.  To read more on God and Evil, visit James' article on Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
What Can We Learn from the Persecuted Church?- A Conversation with Jeff King
March 21, 2024 - 50 min
In this episode, James talks with Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern ( and author of a new book titled The Whisper. They discuss some of the lessons Jeff has learned in working with the persecuted church over a number of years, as well as how suffering can conform Christians more closely into the image of Christ.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How Can Churches Protect the Vulnerable? A Conversation with Theresa Sidebotham
March 20, 2024 - 51 min
In this episode, James speaks with Theresa Sidebotham from Telios Law. They talk about the necessity of caring for the vulnerable in the context of the local church. Theresa shares her thoughts on how spiritual abuse develops within a given congregation and offers helpful tips and resources for those looking to develop stronger policy frameworks for thier local congregations. You can find out more about Telios Law at Check out some of the resources mentioned in the show at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Thinking about Israel- Proclaiming the Gospel as the Best Way We can Support Israel
March 18, 2024 - 29 min
In this episode, James discusses the modern state of Israel. He considers some of the challenges associated with eschatology and encourages Christians (regardless of their views of the end times) to recognize that Israel's conversion is more significant than their political formation as a state.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Legacy Beyond Baseball: A Conversation with Darryl Strawberry
March 15, 2024 - 57 min
In this episode, James and his guest host Richard Beatty sit down with Darryl Strawberry. Darryl shares his testimony, talks about his ministry, and offers insights into the sort of legacy he wants to leave beyond baseball.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Real-Life Implications of Theological Decisions with Jeremey Slaven
March 14, 2024 - 54 min
In this episode, James speaks with Jeremy Slaven. James and Jeremy discuss Jeremy's research into the history of dispensationalism and the historical leanings toward Israel in America. They dive into the thorny issue of eschatology and the relationship between Israel and the Church. Tune into the next episode for James's reflections on their conversation.  To find out more from Jeremy, follow him on <a href="&lt;blockquote%20class=&quot;instagram-media&quot;%20data-instgrm-permalink=&quot;;amp;utm_campaign=loading&quot;%20data-instgrm-version=&quot;14&quot;%20style=&quot;%20background:#FFF;%20border:0;%20border-radius:3px;%20box-shadow:0%200%201px%200%20rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0%201px%2010px%200%20rgba(0,0,0,0.15);%20margin:%201px;%20max-width:540px;%20min-width:326px;%20padding:0;%20width:99.375%;%20width:-webkit-calc(100%%20-%202px);%20width:calc(100%%20-%202px);&quot;&gt;&lt;div%20style=&quot;padding:16px;&quot;&gt;%20&lt;a%20href=&quot;;amp;utm_campaign=loading&quot;%20style=&quot;%20background:#FFFFFF;%20line-height:0;%20padding:0%200;%20text-align:center;%20text-decoration:none;%20width:100%;&quot;%20target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;%20display:%20flex;%20flex-direction:%20row;%20align-items:%20center;&quot;&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;background-color:%20#F4F4F4;%20border-radius:%2050%;%20flex-grow:%200;%20height:%2040px;%20margin-right:%2014px;%20width:%2040px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;display:%20flex;%20flex-direction:%20column;%20flex-grow:%201;%20justify-content:%20center;&quot;&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;%20background-color:%20#F4F4F4;%20border-radius:%204px;%20flex-grow:%200;%20height:%2014px;%20margin-bottom:%206px;%20width:%20100px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;%20background-color:%20#F4F4F4;%20border-radius:%204px;%20flex-grow:%200;%20height:%2014px;%20width:%2060px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div%20style=&quot;padding:%2019%%200;&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;%20&lt;div%20style=&quot;display:block;%20height:50px;%20margin:0%20auto%2012px;%20width:50px;&quot;&gt;&lt;svg%20width=&quot;50px&quot;%20height=&quot;50px&quot;%20viewBox=&quot;0%200%2060%2060&quot;%20version=&quot;1.1&quot;%20xmlns=&quot;;%20xmlns:xlink=&quot;;&gt;&lt;g%20stroke=&quot;none&quot;%20stroke-width=&quot;1&quot;%20fill=&quot;none&quot;%20fill-rule=&quot;evenodd&quot;&gt;&lt;g%20transform=&quot;translate(-511.000000,%20-20.000000)&quot;%20fill=&quot;#000000&quot;&gt;&lt;g&gt;&lt;path%20d=&quot;M556.869,30.41%20C554.814,30.41%20553.148,32.076%20553.148,34.131%20C553.148,36.186%20554.814,37.852%20556.869,37.852%20C558.924,37.852%20560.59,36.186%20560.59,34.131%20C560.59,32.076%20558.924,30.41%20556.869,30.41%20M541,60.657%20C535.114,60.657%20530.342,55.887%20530.342,50%20C530.342,44.114%20535.114,39.342%20541,39.342%20C546.887,39.342%20551.658,44.114%20551.658,50%20C551.658,55.887%20546.887,60.657%20541,60.657%20M541,33.886%20C532.1,33.886%20524.886,41.1%20524.886,50%20C524.886,58.899%20532.1,66.113%20541,66.113%20C549.9,66.113%20557.115,58.899%20557.115,50%20C557.115,41.1%20549.9,33.886%20541,33.886%20M565.378,62.101%20C565.244,65.022%20564.756,66.606%20564.346,67.663%20C563.803,69.06%20563.154,70.057%20562.106,71.106%20C561.058,72.155%20560.06,72.803%20558.662,73.347%20C557.607,73.757%20556.021,74.244%20553.102,74.378%20C549.944,74.521%20548.997,74.552%20541,74.552%20C533.003,74.552%20532.056,74.521%20528.898,74.378%20C525.979,74.244%20524.393,73.757%20523.338,73.347%20C521.94,72.803%20520.942,72.155%20519.894,71.106%20C518.846,70.057%20518.197,69.06%20517.654,67.663%20C517.244,66.606%20516.755,65.022%20516.623,62.101%20C516.479,58.943%20516.448,57.996%20516.448,50%20C516.448,42.003%20516.479,41.056%20516.623,37.899%20C516.755,34.978%20517.244,33.391%20517.654,32.338%20C518.197,30.938%20518.846,29.942%20519.894,28.894%20C520.942,27.846%20521.94,27.196%20523.338,26.654%20C524.393,26.244%20525.979,25.756%20528.898,25.623%20C532.057,25.479%20533.004,25.448%20541,25.448%20C548.997,25.448%20549.943,25.479%20553.102,25.623%20C556.021,25.756%20557.607,26.244%20558.662,26.654%20C560.06,27.196%20561.058,27.846%20562.106,28.894%20C563.154,29.942%20563.803,30.938%20564.346,32.338%20C564.756,33.391%20565.244,34.978%20565.378,37.899%20C565.522,41.056%20565.552,42.003%20565.552,50%20C565.552,57.996%20565.522,58.943%20565.378,62.101%20M570.82,37.631%20C570.674,34.438%20570.167,32.258%20569.425,30.349%20C568.659,28.377%20567.633,26.702%20565.965,25.035%20C564.297,23.368%20562.623,22.342%20560.652,21.575%20C558.743,20.834%20556.562,20.326%20553.369,20.18%20C550.169,20.033%20549.148,20%20541,20%20C532.853,20%20531.831,20.033%20528.631,20.18%20C525.438,20.326%20523.257,20.834%20521.349,21.575%20C519.376,22.342%20517.703,23.368%20516.035,25.035%20C514.368,26.702%20513.342,28.377%20512.574
Dealing with our Delusions- A Conversation with Laura Gallier
March 12, 2024 - 46 min
In this episode, James speaks with Laura Gallier author of the Delusion Series, a set of fictional novels highlighting the spiritual struggles that are too often lost when we consider the issues we face in today's world. James and Laura discuss Laura's story, her new book, and the other ministries with which Laura is involved.  For more information on Laura visit To purchase Laura's book visit    Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
James Spencer earned his Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He believes discipleship will open up opportunities beyond anything God’s people could accomplish through their own wit and wisdom. As such, James seeks to help believers think Christianly about social, cultural, and political assumptions. His desire is to see Christians test God by trusting God so that they conform ever more closely to the image of Christ.

In addition to being a regular contributor to and, James has published multiple works, including Christian Resistance: Learnign to Defy the World and Follow Christ, Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D.L. Moody, Thinking Christian: Essays on Testimony, Accountability, and the Christian Mind, and Trajectories: A Gospel-Centered Introduction to Old Testament Theology.

James currently serves as president of the D. L. Moody Center, an adjunct instructor at Wheaton College Graduate School, and faculty member at Right On Mission.

You can find out more about James at his personal website
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