The Reward for Perseverance (James 1:12)
Today’s Bible Verse: "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." - (James 1:12)
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Hello, thank you for listening to your daily bible verse, the podcast that examines one verse each day to learn more about God and His will for us. I'm your host, Jessica VanRoekel. And after this short word from our sponsor, we'll dive into today's Bible verse James 1:12.
Today's Bible verses, James 1:12. "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial, because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
I needed both feet to drive my 1976 Ford Thunderbird. If I didn't keep one foot on the accelerator at a stoplight, the car died when the light turned green. I became adept at releasing the brake and knowing how much gas to give the car. So I drove through the intersection instead of leaping through it, or dying in the middle of it. I'm pretty sure I was the only high school student who drove a vintage car with two feet.
Today's verse talks about trials and what the reward is for perseverance. My reward for learning to drive with two feet meant I was able to get to school and work, I got my education and was able to pay my bills. And in a way, the trials that Thunderbird brought to my life helped me learn to persevere with a difficult situation. There are two sources of trials, temptations which are inner moral struggles and outside sources outside of our control. God uses these to strengthen our faith, develop perseverance, and to grow godly character. They are the means through which we become complete, and lacking in nothing. When we view our trials through this lens, we can respond to trials with joy, because we know the benefits they will produce if we remain faithful in our trust, and hope in God. trials do not indicate God is disappointed in us. They can indicate God recognizes our faith, and has confidence in our commitment to him. Job is our role model of someone who suffered much, yet never wavered in his faith and loyalty to God. The Greek definition for blessed is happy and within the context of this verse it reads, Happy is the one who perseveres. Have you ever put together a piece of furniture with only pictures or directions, it can be so frustrating, get the satisfaction of accomplishing the task results in a contented, happy feeling. We can experience this same type of happiness when we persevere through our trials, and come out the other side with genuine faith. In ancient times, people used metal to make money. This metal was soft, so people would shave it closely and then make more money from the shavings, which produced a counterfeit coin passing as the real deal.
One point in history, Athens had more than 80 laws to prevent the whittle down coins from going into circulation. Certain money changers called Toki. Most were men of integrity and only distributed full weight genuine money into the economy. Having stood the test means to be proved and tried. The word "Adokimos" is used here in this verse. For the Christ follower who perseveres through the trials they experience and reveals genuine faith to those around him or her. This world needs a genuine reflection of our actions of faithfulness toward God, that match what we say about God's character. God is faithful, to help to guide and to provide what we need when we need it. Our steadfastness will be rewarded with a crown when the work of God is on display through our resistance to temptation.
The final phrase in James 1:12 Is this "to those who love Him," and reveals the motive behind the one who perseveres under trial. The passions for a passing temptation or an easy way out of a trial can only be overcome by a greater passion for the honor and glory and a relationship with God. Charles Spurgeon says this, "they cannot fall into sin because it would grieve Him who loves them so well, and whom they love with all their hearts. And this love for God involves affectionate reverence, prompt obedience and grateful recognition of benefits received as a child of God."
It's like driving with two feet, we keep one foot on the brake to say NO to temptation, or even to quitting on God because the trial is so much. The other foot stays on the gas and says, I love you, God and I will follow you through the outward struggles in life and through

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She and her husband have served in Nepal, at a year-round Christian camp on an island off Canada’s west coast, and currently co-direct International Messengers Canada, a missionary sending agency with 300 staff in 30 countries. They live fulltime aboard a sailboat in Vancouver, British Columbia. Married in 1982, they celebrate three grown kids and 13 grandchildren.
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After personally experiencing God's love and compassion following the loss of her eleven-year-old son, Landen, Chaka delights in testifying to others about God's unfathomable and transformative love that permeates even the most difficult circumstances.
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