A Grateful Rest
Struggling to find rest at night? Discover how gratitude can transform sleeplessness into peaceful trust in God’s care. With reflections on thankfulness, powerful Scripture, and heartfelt nightly prayer, this article offers a calming path to restful sleep in Christ’s perfect peace. - Candice Lucy
It’s easy to think of things that make me mad or sad, so please fill my heart with thankfulness. You are good and gracious, all-powerful and omniscient. I can trust you, and I can sleep while you guard me against stressors and against myself. Highlight the gifts all around me that come from you, and if life is difficult, remind me of those many times in the past when you led me out of danger or when circumstances were peaceful and joyful. Never let me forget to be grateful, most of all, that you guard me like a shepherd against any roaming beasts of the spiritual realms at night.
In Jesus’ Name,
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To read the written devotional, head to Crosswalk.com/YourNightlyPrayer