Perfect, Proven, and a Protector: A Prayer and Reflection on Psalm 18

January 23, 2025
00:00 04:03
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Do you struggle to find peace in the midst of life’s challenges? This reflection on Psalm 18:30 reminds us that God’s ways are perfect, His promises are proven, and His protection is unfailing. Let this encourage you to trust in Him fully, resting in His unconditional love and guidance. - Christine Perry


Father, please forgive me and forgive us when we have not rested in you. Forgive us for not trusting you. Father, please help us to lean on, trust in, and depend on you to direct and guide us. You say your plans will not be thwarted. Despite what we are facing, you love us unconditionally. You are for us. You will not abandon us. You are good. You are true. Please help us to hang our heads, hearts, and lives on you. We love you. Amen.

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Your Nightly Prayer is a daily Christian prayer podcast from LifeAudio and Each night, the team behind brings you a devotional and prayer to help you end your day in conversation with God. May these nightly prayers help you find the words to pray and focus your heart and mind on the love of God as you end your day.

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