Releasing Your Day to God

December 23, 2024
00:00 05:12
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When the day leaves you restless and longing for peace, let God’s promises soothe your heart. Release every care into His hands and rest assured in His faithfulness to make all things new. Tonight, focus on His steadfast love and the hope of brighter days ahead. - Rachel Wojo


Heavenly Father,
Rather than thinking about what might have been today, remind me of your steadfast love and mercy, which never change. Give me eyes to see the new path You are forging and the fresh water springing from dry ground. Remind me that my good and Your glory are never separated. Jesus, I release every care and worry into Your hands. Help me sleep well as I rest on Your promises, assured of Your faithfulness.

From Our Host, Rachel Wojo - Thank you for joining me today. I hope this prayer has encouraged your heart. If you're looking for guidance on deepening your prayer life in tough times, I invite you to check out my new book, Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life's Darkest Moments. You'll find real-life stories, prayers, and practical ways to connect with God when you need Him most. You can learn more at Until next time, remember, God sees you, hears you, and He knows your needs.

Listen to Rachel's Podcast, Untangling Prayer -

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Your Nightly Prayer is a daily Christian prayer podcast from LifeAudio and Each night, the team behind brings you a devotional and prayer to help you end your day in conversation with God. May these nightly prayers help you find the words to pray and focus your heart and mind on the love of God as you end your day.

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